August 22, 1987, The Legend of Zelda was released in the states. It was the dawn of console video games, and my mother fell in love with a Hylian boy on a quest to save the princess. Four years later, she bore a baby girl. She often pulled all-nighters with the baby, playing Zelda to pass the time. When the new consoles and the new games were released, she bought them. As her daughter grew, she began to play them too.
Since before I could talk, I've been pressing buttons on controllers, guiding Link to his death, and sometimes helping him to save princess Zelda. All my life, I've known the story of the Seven Wise Men, the Seven Maidens, the Seven Sages, the three Goddesses, and the Triforce. All of my life, I've been immersed with stories spinning around in my brain of a hero struggling (play the original games, you'll understand) to save a princess. I've fantasized of being the princess, I've spun the games in different directions, and I never felt limited by the confines of reality.
Growing in such an environment has made me who I am today: a writer.
I have been crafting stories as far back as I can remember. I was always going on 'adventures' in the back yard as a child, placing myself in the fantasy worlds of my favorite cartoons and movies, and telling myself stories to ease my mind into the dream state at night. Those habits have followed me to this day. Always with my head in the clouds, I take the stereotype of Pisces to a new level. But, interestingly enough, I've never actually done anything with the stories swimming through my imagination.
That ends today.
This blog will showcase my journey from a hobbyist to a professional.
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