Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Obvious by the time stamp delay between this update and the last, I haven't been terribly true to my passion. Since winter break began, I've been relishing in the relaxation (which I do not regret) and have begun to feel guilty about neglecting my stories. I've dabbled here and there with thoughts of what political issues caused the war in my story, Elite, but I haven't done any actual formal writing.

Meanwhile, I watched the movie 500 Days of Summer for the first time today. Toward the end, once Tom regains control of his life, he writes a list of architecture companies he wants to work for on a blackboard in his home. As he applies to each company, he crosses them off of the list. That scene inspired me.

I plan to find ten publishers that I would like to send my story to, polish up a sample for them, and send it. If nothing comes of it, fine, but I'm sick of saying "I want to be an author". It's about time I grow a set and become an author.

Wish me luck.

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